Nope. Her mixtapes that she put out before her album have a lot of solid tracks. And her verse in Can't Stop Won't Stop with Weezy is straight fire.
Nope. Her mixtapes that she put out before her album have a lot of solid tracks. And her verse in Can't Stop Won't Stop with Weezy is straight fire.
Timing three green shells to hit consecutively.
Due to a typo in a memo he recieved, Bolling mistakenly spends an entire show criticizing himself and the Fox network for promoting a communist agenda. Bolling later apologized, and blamed the mix-up itself on a socialist conspiracy.
I just get told I have too much puppetry experience…
Name-brand food products is one of the cornerstones of Seinfeld humor (seriously).
pagehits, bro
I'd like to see an alternate-history biopic where CPS takes Joe Jackson's kids away due to his abuse, and they all grow up to have healthy marriages and well-adjusted children (Michael is still addicted to obscure narcotics though).
Truly world peace can only be achieved when Rob Schneider has finished pretending to be a lazily stereotyped person of every nationality.
Surely The Penguin deserves to be rewarded for his hard work, not held back by a bureaucratic nanny-hero.
Two years too late, but I got something to add.
Yea is deserved more than the hand-wave it got here.
You're forgetting the episode with the sexy answering machine message.
I walked into Holes because there were some leaves covering it.
Can't wait for a cameo by that wizard dude.
Carmen Sandiego is completely silent and has no discernible personality. Her only identifying trait is how she looks. I think J-Lo would be a good fit for the role.
My theory is we'll never meet the mother because the writers dropped the storytelling conceit seasons ago, bringing it back only when convenient for exposition or a quick joke.
Hm, good point, it's tremendously easy to write and perform an #1 record yourself, I forgot about that.Hell, even I've done it a few times.
some girls are bigger than others
Mythbusters: anarchist's cookbook edition.