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    Just want to recommend the album that Flagpole Sitta came from, Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone? to any indie rock fans. It's a fantastic album and Flagpole Sitta, while good, isn't really representative of the rest of it. The rest of Harvey Danger's discography is solid as well.

    yea it's pretty blatantly paid content, don't let the fact that it's not 100% positive fool you. love the extremely photoshopped pictures of the rooms

    The inspiration for Austin Powers was Burt Bacharach songs (seriously).

    His track record was too good for people to question at that point. When the guy who came up with Austin Powers tells you had an idea for a movie, you just nod and write him a check.

    That kind of makes sense though. The book emphasizes how belief, not reality is how the children defeat IT. The ritual works because they think it will work.

    This is actually good and I'm sorry about everyone in the comments who doesn't "get" comics.

    I saw this a while ago (on netflix I think), and my main takeaway is how extremely forgettable it is. I mean I remember it pretty well, but I just didn't care at all about any of it. It's not particularly bad or good, and every character in it is extremely unlikable and unsympathetic.

    I always wondered, uh, how plumbuses got made.

    shout out to avclub favorite The Big Butt Book, which also made the list.

    I don't understand how the video has an agenda, unless you think "is it ok to tell women that you hope they get raped?" is some sort of complex issue.

    Looking forward to seeing the pizza's side of the story.

    I laugh at your fart!

    My cousin recently went through medical school and said that scrubs was surprisingly accurate. She even mentioned the surgeons = jocks thing.

    lol someone's never heard the Soulja Boy track that Clams did the beat for

    No Cheetamen, article is bad

    Fun Fact: Ilium is based on Troy, New York, a former mill town and current shithole located next to Albany.

    Some others from my music collection:

    No Mission Hill, list is garbage.

    I'm a bigger fan of High Fidelity's "I will now sell five copies of The Three E.P.s by The Beta Band" scene.

    He claimed in an interview that he can crank out a book in 10 days or so.