great vengeance and fuuuuurrio

John Lennon - Remember
The Sea and Cake - An Echo In
Tortoise - Ten-Day Interval
Ghostface Killah - Big Girl
Gang of Four - Damaged Goods

I don't know who this Richman guy is, but based on what you've said, pico, I want him dead.

I just got around to seeing Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and I'd have to say she was perfectly cast as a really sweet-looking piece of ass.

Best. Seinfeld. Ever. Well, my favorite one at least.

Here's a really great story about Chilton in New Orleans' newspaper:

Jesus people. Just Google your birthday and the phrase celebrity birthdays. Then click on that first link. That's how I found out I was born the same day as Jake the Snake Roberts.

I like "Gone for Good" and not much of anything else they did, although "Caring is Creepy" is nice, too. Since we're sharing and all.

I'd like to mock a bunch of idiots who are pretending like they care about the guy and know something about him just because they saw a couple of movies he was in.

Dumbledore Calrissian and Llama cull weekend are both right.

I don't have an opinion either way about this guy, but just about two weeks ago everybody was commenting on how great he is. And now everyone hates his guts. This might be the wrong place to say this, but I think you all take pop culture too seriously.

Now I know how to pronounce Sitek
I had thought it was Sy-Tek

"Miscellaneous Debris" introduced me to XTC and The Meters.

She's not. It's been discussed before.

You guys don't do primers anymore…
But I think a Primer for Mark E. Smith's the Fall wouldn't be a bad idea.

I'm new to watching the show, I like some of the characters and laughed a few times last, but the shaking camera thing really annoys me about this show and the Office. Are all new TV shows going to be faux-documentaries from now on? Cuz it kind of gives me a headache.

That link is broken. But there's plenty of Gallagher Too info on Gallagher's wiki page.

Hey, remember that time you were in the Super Bowl, and The Patriots were undefeated, and everyone expected them to win? And then you made that amazing catch and then you guys won 17-14? Remember that?

Usually not a fan of The Hater but that one is pretty great. I guess because I hate BBT too.

I wanted to like MPP, and I gave it plenty of chances, but it never worked for me. I'm sorry. What can you do

Why is it annoying when a big single opens a floodgate of new fans? Why should you give a rat's ass about how many - or even what kind - of people like a band that you like? If you have to stop liking a band because someone else does (or doesn't) maybe you ought to ask yourself why you liked them in the first place.