great vengeance and fuuuuurrio

HellToupee is right on here. Fuck Diamond and Sweet Caroline too.

Ban this asshole now.

started off good but when downhill from there

Corn nuts.

So was everyone from New Zealand somehow involved in the making of a LOTR movie?

It's a sitcom
Any chance you're overthinking this? I mean, I guess that's to be expected from an 11 paragraph recap of a 22 minute show, but the criticism of the first act break, that it leaned on the score too much, or something, was just a bit much for me.

I'm stealing "walking tit sticks." Thanks, Smack

In Revenge of the Nerds, when the jocks come by the house to hassle the nerds, one of them, Poindexter I think, asks, "whats was that?" And Booger says, "I thought it was my Mom's douchebag but she lives in Ohio."

oh shit. is THAT what cougar means? Fuck me.

Random Roles
I think it's about time we got a Matthew McConaughey Random Roles. Or at least a Random Rules. What does the dude listen to when he smokes a fatty and plays bongos naked on the front yard?

OK, so I've always thought MLP was hot, but now I think I'm actually in love with her. Loving the never-get-you-laid music link.

Why should there - or could there - be a Beatles of the 90s or 00s?

Subway Poster Ads
Huge poster ads have been posted all over NY subway stops for weeks now. They are downright horrifying, but for some reason I find myself staring at them. The lady in the middle at the top looks like she died and was stuffed years ago. I don't even want to know what the fuck this show is about.

replied to the wrong comment! now who's a putz!

The Band weren't a supergroup you putz.

@ thai food: I'm with Bradley, I've never heard of lividity, and I can assure you I'm not a moron. You, however, are a dick.

Tom, I do like some of those bands you mentioned, while I wasn't making fun of indie rock as sissified as much as I was the idea that indie rock's becoming sissified is anything people should be concerned about.

Indie rock has gotten really sissified. Long gone are the days when the Hells' Angels would bar brawl to the strains of "Radio Free Europe."

lyrics quoted in review
Pretty sure he saying "let's get to France/ so we can french kiss some French girls," which makes a little more sense than "get the rent."