
I haven't had it yet! I love a good oatmeal stout.

The lack of touring Cleveland gets is super depressing.

New 52 got me back into comics after a looong time away. Thanks, DC.

Been digging these guys for a while now. Definitely check out their Blackbush EP, too.

I love love love his Defenders run. One of my favorite runs of the last few years.

I know I'm way behind here… but Fraction's Defenders was a freaking fun read. I need to pull those issues out and go back through it.

MAN! I love Farina. He was so great as Wildcat.

Trade waiting The Wake. Pumped about it!

Black Mirror is my favorite non American Vampire Scott Snyder book.

Thanks, man. Just bought everything Kindt on there and Underwater Welder…

Agreed. HECK is a must read for me upon release. It touches on so much familiar territory without ever feeling clichéd. And heartbreaking is the right word. Multiple times HECK has caused me to well up a bit.

I loved 1 2 3 4. It can seem a bit confusing… but I just adored the moody creepiness of the whole thing. Jae Lee killed that book.

Spaceman is not coming out, you're right… bah.

Batman: Knight of Vengeance was pretty awesome. I just tracked it down because of Spaceman and really loved it.


Flash is another book vying for most gorgeous book on the stands.

Are you reading Animal Man?

I am digging Spaceman! I think the next one is coming out Wednesday.

Action is still spinning its wheels. I am recently returned to monthly comics and have only read Morrison in trades… I'm wondering if that's how it should remain.

I think Tomasi is going to change the dynamic of the Dynamic Duo up a little bit with the resolution of this NoBody arc. B&R should be the fun Batman monthly, I think.