
room really ties the room together?

Basically, it's like Spider-Man 3, except Leonard Pierce is Topher Grace and Keith Phipps is J. Jonah Jameson.

Ugh, don't mention 'The Zeppo' and commentaries to me, I was very disappointed that that was the only episode on it's disc to NOT have a commentary.

I did some continuity/camera work for a no-budget independent film in Britain that isn't even out yet and even I have an IMDB page. This guy needs to fire his agent.

Hell? Were you sent here by the Devil?

I can't believe…
you are reporting this here. I thought you guys hated Foxx News.

Poor guy.
I mean, really, what has he done to deserve this?

Who would play the waiter?

Believe it. My old work hired a 60-year-old guy as a cleaner and he would chastise me for watching The Simpsons.

@ TWMTGTYS I don't just cry at Pixar films, I cried during The Iron Giant as well.

Do they have any Waid/Wieringo Fantastic Four on there yet? That could be a big selling point for me.

I've never seen it, but I think there was a French-Canadian version. Must be the one he meant, eh?

US vs UK
Anyone feel like debating which is better out of the British and American versions before eventually deciding that they are both good in their own ways? Anyone?

I just assumed he was being ironic (cue Simpsons quote generator, "I don't even know anymore", etc)

Sandler the nice guy.
"his fans still see him as someone they could grab a beer and watch the big game with"

"More detailed numbers
are available at Box Office Mojo."

Whenever I see trailers for a run-of-the-mill romcom I'm usually rolling my eyes/laughing at all the familiar beats that I've seen in so many films/trailers before, but man, that Leap Year trailer is like your average romcom trailer squared. That lead woman suffered something like 10 mishaps in 90 seconds, it *almost*

But what about…
I haven't read 'The Italian Secretary' by Caleb Carr, or any of the Mycroft Holmes books by Quinn Fawcett, but would like to know if anyone here has would recommend them or not?

Parsons is already in danger of becoming typecast as it is, just by virtue of being so recognisable on BBT. He may decide that playing the Riddler would be a bad choice in that respect.

@Chaichou: Fittingly for this article, I only agree with 2/3rds of your comment, Groundhog Day is a shining rare example, for me at least, of a love interest that doesn't feel tacked on at all. McDowell certainly brings more to the film than Aniston/Garner did in the other two you mentioned.