
Each chapter released as an animated short on Hulu or some similar outlet. Released at least three times a week to keep the pace going nicely.

For me, the infuriating thing about Ennis is there are times when he has showed real promise, particularly in terms of characterisation, only to later throw in something* like a floating monster that yells "I'm a vagina!" at everyone.

anyone one in the UK can watch Misfits for free and legitimately on youtube, so anyone else around the globe shouldn't feel guilty about torrenting/streaming it. Maybe pause it halfway through and imagine some products you might like to buy.

The Royal Tenenbaums…
had my favourite movie tombstone.

The ZMF review
no-one can caption an image like ZMF can

Swallow My Pride
Cretin Hop

Before this thread I really liked the idea of Will Arnett as the Riddler (with Nolan keeping him more-or-less dramatic and creepy rather than GOB-ish) but now I prefer the Hodgman/Bratton ideas instead.

The Escapists
Is that review of The Escapists collected edition been word-for-word from an earlier Comics Panel article? I definitely remember reading the last line here before.

Not that I was asked, but Walking Dead is pretty good, but not a patch on Y: The Last Man. I'm about due for a re-read of the whole thing this summer. Try the first TPB and that should be enough for you to judge whether or not its your sort of thing.

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
I really enjoyed the pilot for the British show he mentioned and was very happy to see that it got picked up. It also had Will Arnett and I'm fairly certain I saw Kristen Schaal in an exterior shot at one point, but then she didn't play a role in the rest of the episode.

I'll agree with that. I tend to enjoy cringe comedy a lot and it doesn't usually make me so uncomfortable that I can't watch, but that one I found difficult just because of the way Jez dealt with the balcony situation.

live action/cgi hybrid? you used to see a fair few animation/live action films but i've never seen it with cgi

Ebert is optimistic
"and looks to the cancellation of At the Movies as an open door, rather than a closed one"

I saw a webpage once that had a load of comparison stills for Citizen Kane and instances where the Simpsons had made the same shot.

In a similar vein to the countries of the world song, I remembered the song where Pinky & the Brain sang all the parts pf the brain to the tune of Camptown Races (Brainstem! Brainstem!)

Stew is fantastic, 'Stand-Up Comedian' is just about perfect, although it has the benefit of being a sort-of best-of disc, in the way he uses much of his best material of the last ten years, but it still comes off as a well crafted whole. The Princess Di stuff, the William Wallace stuff, all hilarious.

Could be that one of the top-tier AVC reviewers decided to debase themselves by writing about browser games and thought Alan Smithee was too on-the-nose?

It pleases me that most episodes od the Mark Steel Lectures can be downloaded thru P2P, funny and I occasionally learn something.

Walk Hard is definetly a better film for anyone that gets the references, but only a small number jokes require nerd-knowledge.

or as they're now known, Sting