
I also want more IMDbates. I refuse to believe that scrutinising posts on the IMDb forums would only be funny once.

Not fair
I wish that I could get away with watching Twilight Zone episodes on Youtube at work.

More water
For me Father Ted DVDs work the same way Simpsons DVDs would work for many of us, in that I've seen them all many times but can always watch them again and still find them funny, and not have to worry about sleeping through them.

"but if you can't steal on the internet, where can you"

Remind me Eves was that from this months Viz letters page or last months?

genuine optimism
Comics week is going to be ace and I feel like the Losers movie will also be excellent. I've only just started readint The Losers so I've got some catching up to do before the film, but I think this is one project we can all be genuinely excited about.

@Troy Ford- I read similar interviews, not the exact same one, possibly interviews that took place after the film was completed, and it seemed to me they wanted out not because of the quality of the final product, but because the long days filming with marionettes was a lot more of a slog than their average work week

Mr. Driller
I'll tell you what other game mixes action and "a fast-paced puzzle-solving ability that remains rare in gaming." - Mr. Driller, or at least the DS version, Drill Spirits, which is the onlyversion I've played so far. I thought it was unfairly difficult when i played it the first* time, but soon after I

Reading the main article made me think about how little, culturally, I share with my mom, but how I can think of some things that she had turned me towards and that she at least has some pop culture things she enjoys herself. But I can't imagine what it would be like to grow up with parents that had almost zero

for me, the second series has been the high point so far, but you're right about the theatre episode, it's excellent.

aaaaaaand Kyle took away Cartman's XBOX 360 after Cartman gave him AIDS, so thats all of them

If any official sort of animated spin-off were to happen, I would turn my nose up at it straight away. But yet I too would endorse a full episode of this if it was a fan-project.

Plus, if this is anything like the GBA games, death is permanent for a character but you can restart the battle to bring them back. you just can't use mid-battle saves to cheat death

List of high schools in Turkey

Is Galaga named after…
that guy that smashes up Watermelons?