
In German it's 'The Black Mirror, The'

I really liked the pilot for the BBC version. The others… not nearly as much.

To lead with a couple of things that no-one else mentioned, Warren Ellis has a new Avengers graphic novel with Mike McKone in October, I'm really interested to see how that turns out.

I see your point, but Edgar Wright directing Ant-Man so shut up.

Everyone posted that panel. Thing that made me laugh though? That was the first time the Hawkeye mask had actually appeared in this volume of the title. Fraction saved it for a dick joke.

Everyone posted that panel. Thing that made me laugh though? That was the first time the Hawkeye mask had actually appeared in this volume of the title. Fraction saved it for a dick joke.

In what could be considered a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the lead image of this post…

In what could be considered a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the lead image of this post…

Who needs to shell out cash for his own copy of GTA: Vice City when his college roomie buys a copy and then forgets to take it with him when he goes to his parents house during a week off class? Not me. But playing it as much as I did lead me to have to ask for my first and only extension on one of my university

Who needs to shell out cash for his own copy of GTA: Vice City when his college roomie buys a copy and then forgets to take it with him when he goes to his parents house during a week off class? Not me. But playing it as much as I did lead me to have to ask for my first and only extension on one of my university

Only four people in the showing I went to as well. Me, two friends and a guy sat on his own.

Only four people in the showing I went to as well. Me, two friends and a guy sat on his own.

A little surprised Australia is getting Parks and Rec, not a single episode of Parks or Louie has aired on any UK channel yet.

A friend of mine finally got into Breaking Bad, but watched all four seasons in the space of 7 or 8 days. I felt that he might not have got as much from the show as some others who let the events of each episode percolate in their brains percolate between viewings. (He said he wants to run through them again at some

The last series was pretty rough, except for the Countdown episode, which I loved every minute of, especially the last line where you realise the entire Roy sub-plot was leading up to a groan-inducing pun.

No-one looking forward to Dredd even a little bit? Or is everyone doubtful it'll get released this year?

Fresh Meat didn't start that well, but I got more invested in it over time. The last three episodes were great and Vod has been getting all the best lines.

It took me a few second to work out why Sean O'Neal's name was appearing on an Onion article, and then I woke up enough to realise it wasn't. Ugh.

Looking forward to The Sixth Gun, the other Bunn/Hurtt comic that is supposed to be getting adapted. Never read The Damned, might have to give it a try.

Morrissey is the Fred Phelps of vegans.