
Back from the dead to haunt these comments, a week late this year because my mortal self was actually really busy on the 16th, and I also had some trouble logging into my AV Club account (as opposed to my Disqus one — big surprise that Disqus is fucking up, eh?).

Oooooooooo! Oooooooooo! It's time, once again, to rise from my grave, rattle the keyboard, and haunt this comments section once again. I'm a little early for the anniversary this year, but I'll be busy working on the 16th, and probably won't get a chance to chime in then. Sure, late is better than never, but early

"Frankly, if I could send out a rider to every cabbie in town telling
them not to initiate conversation with me, I might do it. I'm just not
always up for chatting with strangers, especially when I'm on my way to
the airport at 5 in the morning."


Another year, another anniversary of this terrible article, another reason for me to come out of retirement once a year. I'm going to haunt these comments until Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston pack up, regroup, get a grip, come equipped, grab their proton packs on their backs, and then split.

@jeanluc_de_lemur:disqus , you've gotta stick around after that appeal! I announced my retirement from this place almost a year ago, and no one said a thing. Hold onto these people like grim death.

Had to come out of retirement to revisit this article on its anniversary (well, two days after, since November 16 was on a Saturday this year). Man, this new site redesign is crazy!

You know what's really fucking stupid?  Removing posts entirely when they get flagged.  I was on vacation last week and early this week when this whole @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  Paula-Deen-gimmick-account thing happened, so this thread was the first I heard of it.  I went hunting for clues, and

It also had elements of science-fiction-spoof, romantic-comedy-spoof, and action-adventure-spoof.  Not to mention the spoof that went all over the place when the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man went ballistic.

I'm gonna grill some pork steaks that have been marinating in mojo for the last 12 hours.  I'm also thinking about what I can do with all the greens on the radishes and kohlrabi that I got from my CSA share this week.  Damn, those things are all greens right now!  I guess I can saute them like I would collards, but

Let's not forget that a huge part of the reason for doing the episode at all was to show up the idiocy of Muslim extremists who were killing people and threatening to kill more because they dared to blaspheme the Prophet Mohammed by portraying him in pictures.

"Bobby, what country are you from?"
"Well, then, why are you holding  your cigarette like some kind of European Nazi in an old movie?"

Well, @avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus , I'd agree with you if John Redcorn chased jail bait.  As it was, though, he was handsome, confident, athletic, drove around in a Jeep, and was nailing a pretty good-looking lady — all the while somehow making a living without any 9-to-5 job.  From a certain point

Not much exciting to report lately.  We got our first CSA share last week, and since it had so many leafy greens, we've been having lots of salads.  I can't complain about that.  We also finally got some strawberries, which were wonderful.

My favorite Dale quote:

"Lucky, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't care what you do."

That Hank is anal-retentive and completist enough to have listened to and noted the continuity (and errors therein) of Dale's gibberish is a great comment on his character.

I like it when Hank refers to the dummy as Bobby's "action figure."

Oklahoma, too!  My mother used to eat at Luby's all the time when she was recovering from a surgery, because it was mild, bland, easy to digest, and she didn't have to cook it!  The Lu Ann Platter was her pick.

"Let's get out of here.  I feel like I've died and gone to New York."