
Something tells me they're happy to get you out of there as fast as possible, too.

Check out their other company, Cocks' Cafe.

The sweetness wasn't coming from the barbecue sauce, it was from all those Tootsie Pops he ate when he was alive.

Twin Peaks wins because it's demeaning and it tarnishes the name of a decent show.

Maybe then, AV Club will finally give him the recognition he deserves.

Y'know what's better than specialty KFC items? Literally everything on the fucking menu at Popeye's.

The camera guy who barfed in Jackass and Jackass 2.

Hey the gang's all here!


My dad, a pretty uptight guy who was already in his late 30s when it came out, absolutely loves Up in Smoke, specifically everything with the cops. But, actually, his favorite line is:

That was actually just pencil shavings in a bag.

Nice Dreams (I think, maybe Next Movie?) has my favorite joke in any of their movies: the boys run into Pee-Wee in a nice restaurant. He's clearly coked up, and he's trying to get Chong to go do some more coke with him and he keeps pointing at his nose and Chong points at his own nose and goes "Yeah, I got one, too,…

Yeah, and he was rammed by the Cat Stevens.

I lived in Aiken for about 15 years, now I'm in Augusta!

The worst discovery I ever made was realizing that the hashbrowns were what made me feel like garbage after I ate McD's breakfast. I'm not the kind of person who needs to realize that I can be functional after eating two bacon, egg, & cheese biscuits.

I overdid it on those Pretzel Pieces pretty recently, so now the thought of them makes me sick.

Your Dr. Slice story reminds me of the time I stopped in a fairly sketchy gas station about 50 miles outside of Atlanta and found an outrageously old-looking package of kangaroo jerky. Based on the price and the location, it seemed like it had to have been some sort of a scam, but I was fascinated.

Look at Daddy Warbucks with his couch over here! I eat all of these foods while foraging for drinking water in the ravine.

I live on the border of GA and SC and it was a BIG deal when one opened here a few years ago. There seems to be one at every exit in Florida, though, but surely you're not considering Florida the south.

Says the guy who can't spare an apostrophe in "can't".