
She was treated horribly and this is fucked up, but how does this have anything at all to do with pop culture? I feel like I sound like an old man even asking that.

Just finished it and I kind of disagree with the review and other responses here. I think the problem is that the book presents itself as a horror story and then becomes a more quiet, personal story (the kind that, y'know, Darnielle is outstanding at writing). I think it'll sit well with people once they've had some

I want Michael Shannon playing me.

This is an overwhelming number of crazy opinions for one post.

Wow, I'm surprised to hear critics liked The Valley better. I loved Room Noises and Combinations, but to be fair, I sort of lost interest eventually. For a while, though, they were definitely one of my favorite bands.

She's the lead singer/songwriter, so it makes sense for her to be the one looking into the camera.

Yeah, it seems dumb to me, too, but I see people do it. Even worse, at all the ones I've seen, the drive thru doesn't have a dedicated station to prep sandwiches, so they take your order, then go put your order in along with everyone else's in the front of the store, and naturally the more busy the place is, the less

Reminds me of Diarrhea Planet.

I can't really think of many Subways that DON'T have drive-throughs around here, actually.

Your avatar checks out…


Yeah but they were all actually one sad creep.

I was 21, man, I was INVINCIBLE!

How come you guys call it BW3? There's only two W's in the name, no?

The AV Club

Does this mean Adele will finally get her foot in the door of the recording industry?

To be fair, both incidents were at the BWW right near the University of South Carolina, so the same thing was probably happening at the library across the street.

I'll be honest, my biggest problem with Hooters is the policy the waitress described. I like girls with tattoos and weird hair color.

This is going to blow your mind but sometimes local restaurants suck too.

Buffalo Wild Wings is way too bro-y. I've been there twice and one time I saw a frat boy barf on the floor at lunchtime and the other I saw a frat boy openly perusing porn on his laptop at the bar.