

I mentioned further up that I held a Zaireeka listening party last summer. We assumed we'd be able to get all the CD players we wanted at Goodwill for chump change, but we managed to find only two of them at all the Goodwills in the area. We tried buying some crappy ones from Walmart but they didn't like burned CDs.

A significant amount less. Let's not forget, Wayne Coyne wound up on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine by the end of 2011, they were making a ton of money.

This came up in interviews, apparently there's a store in Oklahoma that sells skulls and anyone can legally buy them? It's weird but legal, I guess.

At least with the Flaming Lips, they also released all of the music for free the same day they released it through these weird methods. They were pretty up front that they were art first, music second, though.

That was the Joker, DUHHHH.

I did a listening party this past summer. It's a hassle but there's definitely something to listening to it the proper way. If nothing else, you really don't get an idea of quite how loud four boomboxes at once is.

How does the NES Mini cost roughly the same as a PS4??

She sounds like she's singing with more of a pronounced lisp or something. She went from sounding like herself to sounding like a poor man's Grimes.

Better than the original title "We A Family That Loves Weed Seriously You Guys Have You Ever Smoked Weed It the Best Thing Ever".


Kimmy's husband is Hispanic, as is their daughter.

Guess what. I've watched the entire series so far and I'll probably keep watching it. You've got nostalgia, bad TV, and a pair of gigantic boobs that are constantly on display, what more do you need?

This movie sounds good. Her name looks like "marinade".

The game itself was way too serious, so I can imagine how the movie will be.

I like this idea in theory, but didn't Battleship do this already and suck big time?

Journalism, baby!

I've never seen a guy yell "Freebird" who didn't look like the living embodiment of an AV Club commenter.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification, for a second I thought he was kidding.

The people who push their way to the front of a show after the show has already started are some of the worst people out there.