
Yeah, ranting like he did after he had her thrown out (if that part actually happened) just makes Hannibal seem really petty and full of himself.

I was actually watching a clip from Conan last week, a Guests We'll Never Have Back, and the punchline for one of the characters was just Conan saying "You're retarded." Oh, the 90s.

Remember the claymation episode that ended up being absolutely horrendously animated? I remember a lot of clay heads falling off mid-sentence.

Gotta go with Clive Clemmons' Inappropriate Responses to Everyday Questions.

My favorite: a Christmastime toy ad that featured a small child asleep next to a Christmas tree. Caption: 'Dead kid sold separately.'

Conan and Colbert's strike episodes were some of the most creative stuff on TV. Kinda makes sense, it's probably easier to trust your host to be funny off-the-cuff when he was a comedy writer for 20 years before he got his own show.

Someday someone's gonna write a hell of a Late Shift about the real reason Conan left New York.

Probably because "Taylor Swift is the worst" isn't as hysterically over-the-top as "It doesn't get more white and evil than Jennifer Lawrence." If you can't see that, then you're willfully ignoring facts to support your argument, which would never, ever happen on the internet.

My pick is Sweet/Vicious. I already have a soft spot for terrible MTV dramas, and this one not only has the worst sassy and hip dialogue this side of Juno, it's also got clobber-you-over-the-head social commentary, too. It's about two girls who go to a college in which every white male (and a few of the white females)

Five bags.


Yeah, you're right. I guess that was a low-key racist move on my part. For what it's worth, I was so convinced that it was ricotta that I've actually made them that way before. They were actually fine, though sour cream is much better.

The Sopranos tip was to mix in a little ricotta, it was from Ralph in season four.

I just use sour cream, it gets the job done.

I mean, you can download music off of Spotify and listen to it offline. You don't own it at all, but it seems like an obvious solution to these issues.

Quiet dignity, as opposed to, say, this….?

Man, according to these comments, I guess I'm a misogynist idiot, because I loved Camp and hated Because the Internet. I like this a lot, though, even though I can't figure out if it's a sincere homage or just a ripoff.

Hmm, a video called Ask a Comedian containing ten seconds of jokes followed by two and a half minutes of lecturing, definitely checks out as something The AV Club would love.

*copy/pastes all lyrics from "Get in the Ring", replaces every 'you' with 'Trump'*

I think a foot race between Vince, Axl, and Trump would be a lot of fun to watch.