
Trump dove into America's wedding cake.

Agreed, but where does "has-been" land on that scale?

Guitaist changed his name from Saul Hudson to Slash. Ashamed of his heritage? Sad!

Yeah, Donald, stop being a pussy, listen to the guy who tried to get unflattering pictures of himself banned from Google!

I like their take on Trump never really wanting to win and being kind of terrified now that he has. I think that's one of the more unique takes on him where most are going the strict Trump = Hitler route.

Kyle? Oh geeeez, what's he want?

Hey, 'member when Steve Irwin was in an episode so they gave it a bad review because it reminded them of a tasteless Steve Irwin joke they did five seasons later? I 'memer!

I'd argue her lack of defining characteristics is exactly what they're going for. She's just a plain, ordinary girl that Cartman is projecting all of his misguided progressiveness onto.

The video of him coaching her in the studio was pretty adorable.

The tv show was terrible and it was ruining the Comedy Bang Bang brand. Good riddance.

You can actually click that red X at the top right of your screen, then you don't have to worry about seeing ANY opinions that are different than yours!

'Member right now?? I 'member!

"Kevin Smith has now dropped out of the Buckaroo Banzai TV show"

Congrats, Kev, you've worked hard and now you've graduated up to the wardrobe of Big Jay Oakerson!

Hey, The Edge, take it to the Achtung Baby article.

This is a place of business!

Yeah, so before I owned a cast iron skillet, I cooked all my steaks on a Foreman. Were they as good? Of course not, but they weren't horrendous either. The trick is pretty simple, really: don't close the lid. That way it doesn't squeeze out all the juices or do any steaming. It takes a while, but if you leave it on

I'm on your mom's backside, son.

*smashes El Santo over the head with Bigmouth Billy Bass, Tony Soprano style*

Not since AA Dowd seared his foot.