
No chance anyone who's seen the series didn't think that, right?

I felt bad for him that he flubbed that one joke so hard last week. The guy's been getting significantly better for two years now, and the first episode after the election, the one even non-fans would be more likely to watch, he bones it as hard as I've ever seen anyone outside of Leslie Jones bone it on SNL.

"You can't be fake newsed if it's news you agree with!"
-every single person in America

I can definitely advise against asking for ketchup at an Italian hot dog place in New Jersey. You've never really been heckled until you've been heckled by literally every old Italian man working in the place, in front of a lot of your extended family.

Well, we're all douches, don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

They should have sacrificed Phife Dawg to the Billboard gods sooner!

Wouldn't it be great if the headline of this article were about Sharon Jones amazingly regaining her ability to sing before dying? I guess that doesn't get the clicks the way "TRUMP KILLED SHARON JONES" does.

Wouldja suckā€¦these balls?

Ugh, don't be nice, I can't goof on you if you respond nicely!!

Hey, everyone, we've got a free thinker on our hands!

Cameron Esposito
Cameron Esposito
Cameron Esposito
Patton Oswalt


It's good that we're able to honor her memory the only way we know how, by jamming her death into the "2016 is awful" meme that was already old six months ago.

Ya nasty.

Everyone I've ever met as an adult thinks it's gross when I tell them I eat cream cheese and jelly sandwiches.

Well, yeah, you can't get off on it if nobody's watching you.

Eh, a horse is a horse.

They're all Ziggys!

The review doesn't mention that 100 pages of this are variations on the "Diarrhea" song.

I'll pass, last time I used a bomb to blow a hole in the wall at an escape-the-room, I wound up in court.