
What's gonna' happen if Ivanka puts on weight and, you know, ages?

So what is preventing someone like Kanye from seeing through the B.S.? I find it hard to believe that anyone other than a few poor dumbasses are actually fooled.

If you sort by newest, HI!!!


Do tell. Wait-wuh? No! No!!! Really? But… No. Yes?

Is 2.0 still a thing? I just meant Trump is Hitler of the digital era.

Hitler 2.0

Bill Cosby named head of Office of Women's Health

Guy Debord was right

You're lucky. That's the only thing surviving Trump's healthcare cuts.

fart, not farce

*curls tongue*

I wanted Malcolm X, but he is dead.

Between you and me, should I invest in salt?

If I've learned anything from 2016, it's that there is no way that Donald Trump will end up getting his way. In 7 days Clinton will be president! [Readjusts Hillary Clinton lawn sign]

The other should have been wearing

Dlisted gets promoted to Fresh Air's slot.

When you're famous, they let you do it…

You're describing most of my relationships.

I feel strongly both ways. But really, I liked this.