
Does Katey Sagal sing?!? Greeeensleeaves…

Reposted from AvClub commenter from Season 1 Episode 3 of The Walking Dead:

That "Here Be Monsters" episode made me cry. What an amazing mother.

I agree, man. I love the Pablo Escobar story, and I've always wondered why no one has ever made it into a great TV show or film. I still wonder.

I'm really sick of these Native American stereotypes. In a culture (WGA, DGA) that's so obsessed with diversity, that they have countless hiring programs just to remind themselves that diversity exists, how does this shit still wind up on TV?

Goddam that guy makes movies fast. I heard he was thinking about a rough outline for this, less than a year ago. I guess when you've got a muse like Jennifer, one can move mountains.

Dude gets a pass for The Walking Dead because it's hard to polish a turd. Also, The Shield. But what the hell was the inspiration for this? What suit thought this would make a good series?

Clickbait: (on the Internet) content link… whose main purpose is to attract attention and draw visitors to a particular web page.

"At first, Krasinski seems an odd choice for the strong and silent type, until one remembers the wordless wonders he performed on The Office."

The first album (compact disk actually) I ever purchased was Tom Waits Bone Machine. I was rather young, and I have no idea why I made the purchase. I'm sure I'd heard some of his stuff on 120 Minutes or something. But sometimes I think the reason 11 or 10 year old me bought that and not Nirvana or something was I

I'll tell you now. None of them will.

"All the web is talking about is Jem!"

The "I had a dream about this place" is one of my favorite scenes in the history of cinema. I'm such a nerd for that scene I even went to that old diner (though it's no longer open).

I don't believe it. "See the cat?" "See the cradle?"

That ain't exactly "great" editing is about all I'm going to say. Also Shutter Island was Marty's worst film.

I've seen all of these except the Social Network. I have no interest in the subject matter at all. Is it really worth watching?

If you cancel a show and post hasn't wrapped, you still have a bunch of contract bullshit to deal with if you proceed with post on the unfinished episodes.

These "classic" posts get a lot of love on the comments front, why not have a reviewer review the same shit twice? AvClub?

I really wish he'd go back to his roots. I went to the premiere of Unknown Knowns and in the Q and A afterwards he said he doesn't get enough financing to do much more than straight one room interview pictures these days. Which is a bummer, man.