
He already finished it according to his twitter. He's like the only person I follow but I'm on twitter constantly these days because that's how I see fucked up things republicans say. That's all I have to say on this matter.

Fair point. I'm not sure why I dislike Soderbergh's adaptation so much, it's been years since I saw it in the theater, but I think it has something to do with Clooney and Jeremy Davies.

Why would he remake "Solaris?" "The Girlfriend Experience" is his best film. That's all I have to say.

It doesn't matter. I'll keep watching them, and I'll keep being disappointed. It's Star Wars. It's my childhood. Nostalgia is crippling.

I clicked the link thinking it was the review for "The Walking Dead the Movie (in 3d)." You know, "I'm a Coral, Coral." This looks better…

I thought Hairy Styles was a reference to the resurgence of seventies bush. The all natural short and curlies. I still believe this to be true.

I don't know who Paul Rust is. I watched the whole trailer and I don't know what this movie is about. Some moms go to a bar? What's the plot, man?

I hate them both.

I'm no expert but I think the far right version of reddit is called 4-Chan or something. Or, maybe, Fox News?

Forest Gump won best picture. Somehow an Oscar remains a thing people are proud of having.

I'm really digging this season and it's got nothing to do with the writing. I'm really going to miss Capaldi when he's gone. Especially now that he has a companion that isn't what's her name.

The gentrifying gap between East LA and the East Side is closing quickly. It's all going to be boutiques and stupid hat stores soon. Only to be followed by what happens when white people live somewhere long enough — sports bars, chain restaurants, and Whole Foods.

It was supposed to be a half hour comedy if I remember correctly. Which would have been awful.

They cover a lot of stuff about "words." New "words" in the Oxford English Dictionary seem to get a headline whenever it happens. They cover a couple novels and celebrity non-fiction tell-alls every week. Language is the root of all entertainment. All audio and visual nerd clubery. Language is the reason we gather

that's the one.

Milch had a fourth pilot at HBO. I think it was called "The Ninth." I saw it. It was good.

I would probably agree with you if I'd seen that garbage. Knocked Up was the end for me.

Back in the 90s I worked at a small theatre and was stuck in the projector after I put the reels in. If I walked out, I would interrupt the movie and have to come back and interrupt the movie every 30 minutes to change reels. So I had to either watch the movie or read. So I ended up watching to movie of the week like

All of Judd Apatow's stoner films have anti-weed messages. These aren't films for stoner white guys. These are films to convert stoner white guys into white guys who feel entitled. These are films for white guys to hit a certain age and say to themselves, "hey, where's my hot personalityless wifey" "Where's my

I was a fan of Freaks and Geeks. When this here site gave Knocked Up an "A," my girlfriend and I excitedly went to see it. The avclub has never been more wrong. That movie is a dumpster fire inside of a dumpster fire. The undercurrent of Conservative themes. The whitebred Angelinos. The fact that all Seth Rogan has to