
I was raised sans fast food, but I once went in McDonalds bathroom when I was early for a meeting and couldn't find anywhere to piss. That's a ton of backstory to let you know that my one fast food bathroom related experience included a copious amount of shit on the floor. I have no idea how someone could miss the

As long as she doesn't cut her clitoris, I'm fine.

All media.

"to be immediately be taken to California"

Uproarious applause!

I'll fucking, I'll fucking, I'll fucking probably not watch this episode as I was not aware Blue Bloods starring Tom Selleck was a show.

I watched this movie in basically every class when there was a substitute teacher. I quote it to this day but no one gets it. I'm surprised everyone else hasn't seen it 100 times.

robert zemeckis hates black people. This is a fact.

Where's Firefly?!?

A woman screamed, a man ran out leaving his family of four behind, the bartender rounded the corner with a baseball bat in hand.

Two doctors happened to be at the scene at a golf course in Venice, CA. I think the strange part about this is that there were only two doctors on the scene.

I'm super excited to start reading coverage on the amazing subplot about how women can't give birth on the island!!!

It ain't the Dead without Jerry, man. If it's all good by you, broheim, I'm just going to eat this seven year old blotter from my freezer and listen to Dick's Picks Volume 37 instead.

I think it's worth noting that the source material for this television program is not that good. Though those that have read it swear that it goes batshit crazy and gets really good shortly after this point in the story. I don't know this to be fact, because… comic books… ammirite?

"she admits that maybe she simply lacks the talent to fulfill what she always thought was her life’s purpose"

Police response time of 20 minutes is pretty good. I used to live in a neighborhood with regular gang shootings and the response time between gunshot and police siren was often over 20 minutes. The ghetto bird got there in 5, but what the fuck good is a ghetto bird if you're the victim of a violent crime?

"You need to get back to yourself."

Spoiler alert!

If only they'd used "Daddy's Watching!"

"given how well Banshee handles its female characters I’m expecting good things from Aimee in the future."