
Gilliam didn't own the rights to this.

I agree about hodgeman as an actor. While this plot line was cringe inducing, seeing him written off made me happy

I've never enjoyed Roman Coppola as a director, and I think the movies he wrote with Wes Anderson were among Andersons worst, however this was one of the better directed episodes of television I have ever seen. To think that this show has a smaller budget than an episode of Big Bang Theory and yet is able to pull off

"Holy shit! This show is like a cross between Sex and the City and really nerdy shit! This is like, my new favorite show."

It's pronounced "coe-van," and it's a metaphor for AA meetings.

Women are all secretly soul sucking demons!!! Ammirite?

3. Inherent Vice
2. Boyhood
1. Only Lovers Left Alive

I agree mainstream, my comment is slightly tongue in cheek, though not entirely. His first four films had major studio backing, his last three have not. Though they have gotten some pretty big budgets based on his (producers) ability to attach names to the projects, they have never been able to secure much in terms of

It means it's hard to use "pluperfect" in a sentence.

I'm amazed this got a C. I'm equally amazed Criterion released this shit. You get a C for being bland? This movie is pure garbage and it makes little sense. I had to watch it in a class in undergrad and the discussion turned into a "The Room" how not to make a movie discussion, though without any joy in the vitriol

Brad Pitt kicks the fuck out of that T-Rex, brah! Totes worth a watch. Go chronological and skip "The New World." Also maybe don't watch "To the Wonder." Also you're going to want to be high or totally sober or somewhere in the middle.

I agree, Living Tribunal. I may not have liked To the Wonder but at least it's not a goddam super hero movie, or reboot, or CGI retelling of a prequel reboot, or a re-imagining of a prequel retool reboot robot novel written with a random number generator (actually maybe it is that last one).

The spoon is for Hodag. To lure that rapscallion out of his dern cave don't ya' know.

I once saw an exhibit at the Walker Art Gallery in Minneapolis that made a pretty good visual case that Disney included anti-Semitic imagery in his films. Reading this comment just sent me down a google rabbit hole that proved fruitless. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Exactly it's as north as Wisconsin gets — aka the TRUE Northern Wisconsin. You Rhinelander southerners can keep your dang Hodag. The true North will keep our largest body of fresh water in the known universe. Don't need no mythical creatures to keep nobody busy — just a case of PBR and lake effect snow.

Where's olive kitteridge?

It ain't Northern Wisconsin if it's south of highway 2. So get out of here with that hodag.

Winter doesn't write women particularly well. Poor Olivia

Mail chiemp?