Last of the Mojitos

I vote Macondo.

I'm also curious as to what type of "foreign" Gus is going to be. (His backstory could theoretically remain exactly the same, but maybe it's too "nearby.")

¡Virgen santísima, Marie!

I loved that "Um: Yikes." that Miles did.

S.H.I.E.L.D. (like The Blacklist) has exactly one character I care about. I am never going to care about FitzSimmons: too cartoony, too one-dimensional. The other dude is on a rudimentary "naysayer who gradually becomes a believer (and love interest) path" and no part of that is any good. [Main character-beat is being

Miles*, very probably.

I'm assuming the rats all died as a trade-off for Aaron's resuscitation. (Many, many "small" lives exchanged for one "soul-containing" one.)

The comparison to movie serials is very interesting. I'm not sure that this can't be reduced to merely "The show is more serialized now," but all the same I loved the idea of The Phantom (and the rest) as spiritual forebears* to current TV shows.

And "effect." (to effect [a change])

Non-German Diane Kruger, despite her native and nigh-impenetrable Texan accent, trained briefly with them also.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus : Maybe someone has compromising pictures of him tearjerking.

The way he pronounced the Sandman's name was awesome.

Glad the show opted to let her keep her accent despite the character being a Fed.

You're right!

Actually, I've stopped watching myself!

Walter would have gotten information from the body-less head by now :)

I wonder what's the more conspicuous source of lore: trailer in a lot or clock-aficionado wolf.

Double-M, double-wide :)

There was a capital-W watcher but apparently no capital-R readers.

The stakes are so high that they are, perversely, non-existent, since the show would never pull the trigger on any of the stuff that is theoretically on the line. (President won't die, family members won't die, terrorists will gradually be shown to be cuddly)