Last of the Mojitos


This review is great!

I kept waiting for some acknowledgement on how particularly awful such a thing would be given Gemma's history. I guess I should be grateful we didn't get a thud-alicious recap-via-dialogue about her rape.

For some reason I thought it would be "Godfather III"; bomb should have been the first thought.

Or after.

Ah, the old Xanatos Gambit.

It's for the best, then, that no one thought of actually eating it; all we would have gotten is a front-seat show of gastric juices at work.

It's common enough to see bullet holes on TV, but that corpse still had visible *lead* in it, in THE NECK. That was a perfect (and perfectly disturbing) detail.

Right. What was his motivation for the ole Villain Monologue Wherein I Lay Out the Plan for the Hero(es). Anyhoo, it was a super-fun episode, so this is all beside the point, but Enquiring Minds, you know.

Maybe also: "You figurative literal dick."

I thought him getting defrocked was what got him in trouble in the first place, hey-yo!

I totally captioned that moment in my mind as I watched. Emily [considering the muffin]: So these are the fabled "carbs" of which everyone speaks…

If you'd been *invisible* too, that would have been a hat trick.

It all turned out well in the end, so no foul, but I really hate it when the good guys warn the bad guys and thus give them a fighting chance. All that "Freeze!" nonsense would have been greatly regretted later if any of our three had gotten hurt.

"Up Late with Ironically Named Town"

They were stealth Coneheads this whole time.

What's "Metastasis" in Arabic?

It's weird, considering just how amazing this show can be, that I'm suspicious of it: It's hard for me not to think that [inexplicable plot thing] is an attempt to prolong the show beyond its natural lifetime (number of seasons). Maybe this new Saul arc won't make much sense in retrospect beyond "We needed more

If I was ever invited to have dinner at their house, I think I would be disappointed if it didn't turn into a crazy-off by dessert.

The handling of it all (setting aside the actual content for the moment) was just so amateurish. Fara arrives at the CIA, and the moment is presented as SHOCKING, and then the *characters* (Saul) then go ahead and TALK about how shocking it is. And that's it, that was the whole thing. It didn't even have time to be