
Mad Men, Breaking Bad and insert 30 Rock for Parks n Rec (sorry! haven't watched enough of it) - best shows on television (and believe me I watch almost almost everything)!!

you are right that harming brock harkens back to season 1 in that walt is using the mindset that you do what you have to in the interest of your family, but this horrifying action with an innocent child reminds us of the same seriously flawed reasoning Walt used then as he has throughout….that harming people - whether

calm before the storm, that's it, nothing more, he's deluded and if we think otherwise, then we are just as deluded as he (but of course we aren't)

i thought it was perfect too….it's kind of suggesting that is an automatic, almost unconsious act for Gus - that is how much of a part of him it is, but also, it evidences that our unconscious self may live, albeit shortly, after our consciousness has died……..and if we have to think about those parts of ourselves that

yeah, Donna totally explained it and noted that one commenter last week even mentioned it was lily of the valley that Walt used to poison Brock (although HOW could anyone have known that is beyond me) but Donna said that the reviewer neglected to mention its poisonous properties - so is Lily of the Valley fatal?? or

ok, that's a good point…..but they could have just shown the plant or  a replay back to last weeks's scene with the gun pointing towards the plant…something about a close up on the plant's tag revealing its name takes away from the sophisication of the scene, it's always better to show than to tell (and they kind of

yes, of course….but i was trying to be ironical:)~

@soundandfury….please tell us how you knew about the lily of the valley plant?? did i not watch the last episode carfeully? (very possible) bc i didn't notice it all??

A+MAZING!…..RIP tio salamanca…….ding!

OMG… the new review isn't up just yet but I had to say it….oh…my….GOODNESS!!!

this was a FANTASTIC episode - the writing, the development, the  way the themes played out — and the acting, as if I have to say it, was superior
only in Walt finally "figuring out" that he has been ten steps behind Gus the whole time does he acutally move as close to Gus as he's ever been  - and only thereafter comes

@semperfudge   1)shut up 2) i am not a guy, don't call me dude 3) go back to school bc that is not hyperbole  4)shut up (bc you're obviously slow and need to me to say it again)

i think that it was her mother who wrote her the letter bc she was sort of crying and whispering "I am sorry" to Jenna when she was dressing for the formal. She seemed regrettful.  What else could that be about? i immediately thought of the letter.

ummm are you a guy?

ok, maybe I am just going by more of what I see everyday (like I said, I am a guidance counselor) so perhaps I am a bit jaded (15 year olds rarely think things through this much, but Jenna is more conscientious than most) …I was just going by my initial emotional reaction which was that it felt forced or fake but I

well you make a good argument because you are convincing me, especially when you frame it in terms of Jenna wanting to play it safe as a function of her self-reinvention…and I suppose her "overthinking" this may be an evolution of sorts as it contrasts with so many of her previous decisions regarding Matty that have

i agree she needed to get it out and tell Matty - but it doesn't seem an exaggeration relatively speaking bc she is insecure and lacks confidence as to where she stands with Matty and he still is in the power position in this relationship (though he has lost some over time) which is unfamiliar territory I am sure, for

i agree, that was the only thing i had a big problem with bc even though Jake has been working his way toward Jenna all season, she seems to have barely noticed him and considered him more of a younger brother whom you like to hang out with occassionally but is more of a nuisance than anything -
even if Matty didn't

me too , as i was watching i was like oh no, dead and buried in the ground….and then i thought, foreshadowing?? uh oh

yes, i 100% agree with you…does it sound like I don't from what I wrote?? bc if so, that was not my attention….i absolutely agree, i think he had nefarious intentions and buying the car was a sure sign of that (not to mention his wanting to get a better deal, just holding onto the money and not paying as if to see