virulent antibody

It's a Father-Son duo. They are both gone, hence you gotta 'imagine' the dragons.

No he was in Crouching Wolverine Hidden Phoenix. Costaring Famke Janssen.

This story should've been part of that other article on the history of douchebags.

Increasing the number of nominations is not how Hollywood should address the diversity issue, if that were the goal. Most of the past nominated films are indeed the better films within their years and I don't think the academy intentionally ignored any minority-led movie. If they want diversity, they should be

Are you classified as human?

For me there is a difference. In one case it is an obvious, specific wrong fact that drives the plot, which makes it harder for me to become immersed in the story. In the other case, if they had gone with something like X-Men, say if Scarlett Johansson has a mutation that makes her gain telepathic power in combination

I agree with you on the Watchmen. I thought the deleted scenes made the story more complete. The comment I made was actually meant to allude to the extended version of The Suicide Squad.

Only if you are talking about the Andrew McCarthy/Kim Cattrall Mannequin.

Starring Martha Stewart

Plot twist, Jesus joins the JL and fights Darkseid, destroying Earth in the process.

And then after the audience watches it and complains, they'll claim that an additional hour long footage will be on the blue ray to make the movie better…

There is a difference between reasonable suspension of belief and a lack of regard for obvious facts. This one is just too glaring of an error for me. It would've been more acceptable if they simply stated that Lucy gained superpower from the drugs or something.

Annabelle XXX: Anna Hearts Belle

And surprisingly, for decades no one figured out that there is a switch to set her to 'Good'.

I don't think so, but would you like me to be your brother?

I'm sorry, but if a sci fi movie in 2016 is still basing its storyline on the false notion that humans only use 15% of the brain, it just shows how ignorant and lazy the writer is. I will admit that the casting and acting were decent. People have different opinions on Scarlett Johansson. I personally like her acting

'From the legendary director of The Professional, The Fifth Element, Lucy'…It's really a bit of an insult to the first two films to have 'Lucy' listed alongside them.

He kind of looks like a younger, smaller version of Benicio Del Toro.

'Anybody else wants to negotiate?'
