virulent antibody

What a no-talent ass clown.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. There are plenty of ways to write the background story. You can even keep the white male lead if that makes people happy.

And she herself has aged. She must've gotten an incompetent witch to cast the spell.

Maybe fans of the original comic wanted a faithful adaptation, but it seems that this is one of those stories that needed to be updated for the modern times and get away from the tired old 'white male savior learning kung fu in the far east' trope.

i think you posted under the wrong story

Why nothing new? Because if it deviated from the original, people will be bitching about that, too. Just relax and enjoy the fucking movie.

The original tomb raider.

Google 'Geocities-izer'

All those nutjobs (domestic and foreign) who have problems with the gay character seem to have no quarrel with beastiality.

The storyline in Train to Busan wasn't really that innovative, but it was well done.

I kinda wish that Samuel L Jackson would pull a Denzel and yell 'King Kong Ain't Got Nothin' On Me' before getting swatted away like a fly by the ape…

Good Morning, Viet Kong

It's what they make vibrators with.

Now I've lost respect for both, although tbh I never cared for Power Rangers to start with. This still looks much better than BvS though…

Given Batfleck's dream vision of the future in BvS, it is actually fitting to have this piece of ridiculous hardware in JL. At this point the only DC movie I might be interested in watching is the Wonder Woman movie.

I agree with you on treating anyone who works for a living with respect. However, intellectual snobbery isn't something that only applies to the left. (In fact, most perceived negative stereotypes that have been attributed to one party or the other are not restricted to either.) Assholes are assholes, regardless of

Well…fuck this shit…

He doesn't look like he's struggling. He looks genuinely, emotionally touched by the performance. Who knew JC is a Timberlake fan?

Yeah this is not at all demeaning… /s It's funny how many of these celebs would go up to the stage and proclaim to give a shit about diversity and equality when they are somehow ok with the Academy doing this…

1. Steve Buschemi makes every movie better. (e.g., Con Air)
2. They got an astroid landing vehicle with machine guns attached. That alone makes it worth while.
3. Liv Tyler.