The sentient autonomous penis

I scrolled down for a while through all of your stupid ideas about the worst song ever and though I didn't make it to the end I am confident that none of you morons discovered the true worst song: "Signs" by Five Man Electrical Band.

He is Ron Clements.

OK. OK? OK. So this has been bugging me for a long time. In the movie Star Wars (Fox, 1977), there was clearly multiple stars yet only one war. Why, then, is it not titled "Stars War"? I hope someone got fired for this major fuckup.

American Pastoral was one of the greatest novels I have read. Does not require an adaptation, though good if it can drive people to the book.

American Pastoral was one of the greatest novels I have read. Does not require an adaptation, though good if it can drive people to the book.

Wow. To get him to watch Corner Gas, she must, if you will allow be to us a particularly Canadian idiom, "fuck incredibly".

Wow. To get him to watch Corner Gas, she must, if you will allow be to us a particularly Canadian idiom, "fuck incredibly".


Finally, through the fog of snark, comes a question worth asking. I don't know why you don't want to let him look up the answer on his phone though. Do you want the right answer or is this some kind of gotcha thing?

I'm intrigued by the set of people for whom Howard Stern and girly drinks can be considered substitute goods.

But there are lots of pointy nipples.

You could make a lot more than that. Silicon Valley s01e08 provides helpful advice on how to achieve optimal tip-to-tip efficiency. Unfortunately not available on Netflix.

I was surprised that there is a relevant Ghostbusters II quote related to Netflix's historical pricing structure, but there you have it.

Would you consider a acapella jam while they fold to be "playing" music? That sweet Laurel Canyon sound just drips all sorts of honey without instruments.

Sweet mother of fuck. How old am I that I need to listen to other geezers complain about ruining their knees skateboarding!

Wow. Jeez. This comment is like the kernel of your generation's "Fast Car". Maybe you could set up a gofundme for a bus ticket out of that two-bit podunk to a place with a little bit of hope.

What gave you that impression?

He sends cheap thrills, to pay expensive bills
He should check his résumé, he must have some other skills
Like typing?

No way: these people are making an important political point that the moral outrage about the killing of a gorilla exists in sharp contrast to the apathy that exists about growing social inequality and atomization. And so they are taking action about it in the best possible way - snarky comments on the internet!

There's something called "great grandpa art"? Is there any exemplars of the genre? Can you get an MFA specializing in it at Brown? Seems like there should be some little Smithsonian tucked away in a DC basement dedicated to this.