The sentient autonomous penis

The only add that I can see at this moment now is for something called "chocolategroupies". I never noticed it until this moment. How much money can chocolategroupies possibly have to give to the AV Club?

Yes, this is it.

Many years ago, a stupid guilty pleasure was Smallville. One evening, after having gotten very stoned with a friend of mine, I decided that I wanted to watch an episode of Smallville that I had recorded. I was embarrassed, however, about my interest in this show that primarily involved smoldering gazes between a

Yeah, I had a hard time explaining my interest in this to my employer.

I don't know about the Norse but the Inuit would deal with it by using bands of caribou hide with narrow slits cut in them.

It is a myth that you lose half of your body heat through your head. Studies have demonstrated that heat loss through the head is roughly proportional to its proportion of the body's surface area (7%). While certain parts of the head (ears, nose) have high surface areas and blood vessels close to the surface, and are

To be fair, kids today ARE awful.

I clicked through to this article to search for this mythical comment of legend. I expected it to be super witty, with a touch of insight and a dash of self-deferential humor to take the edge off. Instead it was a dad-pun. Clearly it got so many upvotes because as well as being moderately amusing - like the Family

Oh wait, I remembered my question:

I missed this yesterday but I have a question:

I don't think it is helpful to speak in such broad generalities. It cannot be true that all members of any of these generations are childish, privileged and self-satisfied. If we are going to make such statements about people they should be specific and individual. We should therefore say that you individually,

Melanie is killing my dyslexia.

I think there is enough blame to go around.

Is that you, dad?

Chekhov's wall: a wall seen in the pilot will come down in the final season.

He has two superpowers: that mustache and a 12 inch penis.

I hope someone was fired for this monumental fuck-up.

The statement though has an element of truth. The cover of the Taylor Swift album was amazing. It was less Ryan Adams covering a Taylor Swift album than revealing that Taylor Swift had written a Ryan Adams album.

I am a dad. I am successfully raising two awesome children, living a good life, and very much enjoying the entire Ryan Adams catalogue. My dad bod is fucking tight. I've got good medical, dental and life insurance and a pension. I like dad rock and have the means to enjoy it live in interesting venues.

I don't think he got the haircut.