The sentient autonomous penis

Nah, that has nothing on the Canadian equivalent of O-Town - "B4-4". Their big hit was "Get Down", featuring the following lyrics:

You know, Ryan really hates that.

I don't think about anything to mush.

Professor Smartypants please. I didn't spend 8 years in grad school for nothing. Oh wait… maybe I did.

I don't think they're confused at all. Just as the first season of True Detective gave us something we didn't ever expect, epitomized but not limited to unexpected performances from two familiar actors, this coming series will again be something completely different. Good on them.

They don't call you Reason for nothing.

If it was Buzzfeed the headline would have been: "OMG! I saw who got their picture taken with Beyonce and you won't believe what 10 things happened next!"

There is a drink around here called a "Dirty Grandmother". It's essentially a White Russian with rum (preferably Newfoundland Screech) instead of vodka.

I brought my kids there. We had a good time and I didn't even try the butter beer. Fortunately there were stands that sold normal beer… even at 10 in the morning!

The Bruce Springsteen song "Reno" from "Devils and Dust" is a narrative song in which the singer, in mourning for an ex-partner, finds himself in a hotel with a prostitute. She advises him "two hundred dollars straight in, two fifty up the ass". Later, he reports, "She slipped me out of her mouth/'You're ready', she

David Anthony, if you think that an "appropriate" response from your mother would have been "Fuck you dude … you're four years old" then you clearly have an unorthodox philosophy on parenting.

you're not supposed to fall in love with them.

Pineapple Express and This is the End are "films" now? And "great films" to boot?

The Breakup was a fascinating, kind of subversive movie. The pitch: two people break up but continue living together - pranks and hijinks ensue, including one in which Jennifer Aniston taunts Vince Vaughn with her freshly waxed vulva! The execution: two people break up and go through intense personal crisis,

Just to make you happy, I downvoted this comment. I don't have anything against the comment, but you seemed to want it so badly.

He is a noted supporter of Rob Ford.

Actually, what I took from this was a bit different: all of these movies would either appeal to a self-important, condescending loser who is mainly enamoured of his own perceived intelligence; or to mouth-breathing, porn-addled moron. And I think they did a convincing job. Based on the article, I don't want to see any

I know what you're talking about, but that guy is only "movie chubby" and in fact Adam Scott is alarmingly puny and at risk of his giant head causing him to topple over at any moment.

@phillysportsfan:disqus I like the creativity of your thinking but I don't think that it a reasonable interpretation. The phase "only to" suggests ironic futility. E.g. I went out and bought a suit today only to have my job interview cancelled. Or, I saved that guy from drowning only to have him die of lung cancer the

My first concert was Rod Stewart. He was the biggest thing to come to our town since Tina Turner. Strangely, they had the same hairstyle…