The sentient autonomous penis

I made love to Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom!

More for us, sucka.

I have been told by several doctor friends, completely independently, that the smell of sawing through human bone is precisely the same smell as Cool Ranch Doritos. Strangely, none of them saw this as a problem for their continued Dorito consumption.

Hey Rosetta! is indeed unapologetically positive, hopeful and sentimental. In that way they are unlike any other act that I can think of, and they perfectly capture the spirit of young urban Newfoundland right now. If you're looking for cynicism and criticism, and of course there are lots of reasons to look for that,

OK, so that's a boot. So what's a "reboot"?

That's a lot of jazz hands up there.

She was in that one other movie with Gerard Depardieu where she wore a thong and was 14. You know the one I'm talking about you filthy bastard.

I would like to invest in Jennifer Aniston. No wait, invest isn't the verb I'm looking for…

You may not be able to run cars on human fat, but you CAN run them on human feet. I saw that on the Flintstones.

Please tell me more about your fascinating life!

Am I supposed to read this as if it had been rapped? I want to but I can't find the rhymz!

get your get it rights right indoorsman.

Can you please rephrase this comment in capital letters?

I have green eyes and I'm fucking GORGEOUS. But that baby is unnatural.

This has been my problem with Smoky the whole time. He says "only you can prevent forest fires". He takes no responsibility himself. It's not fair to put that on me. He's the one with the job and the hat and the national media campaign. I've got enough on my plate.

Isn't that what happened in the first Thor movie?

Just to expand on this: the point of Spiderman was to make a comic book hero that would resonate personally with comic book readers. He was a kid who liked girls and got bullied and had a part-time job rather than an adult detective or a super-soldier or an alien.

It's not fair to typecast Garfield like this. He is multifaceted.

Astute analysis!

At least he was getting paid.