The sentient autonomous penis

If there is one thing I hate to see in movie trailers, it's CGI and exciting action scenes. Where is the allegory? Where is the character development? It's kind of like these trailer makers don't even want to tell a cohesive whole narrative but rather just cherry pick the exciting bits for some unfathomable reason.  

Nah… remember how they delayed Donnie Darko because of 9/11 and then no one saw it in theatres except then it came out on DVD and people saw it while high and thought it was awesome. The way things turned out, it was probably better for Donnie Darko because if most people had seen it in theatres (where pot smoking is

Nah… remember how they delayed Donnie Darko because of 9/11 and then no one saw it in theatres except then it came out on DVD and people saw it while high and thought it was awesome. The way things turned out, it was probably better for Donnie Darko because if most people had seen it in theatres (where pot smoking is

The sun is already blowing up. That's the whole point of it. Physics, bitch!

The sun is already blowing up. That's the whole point of it. Physics, bitch!

I think what happened is that people in Colorado thought it was harder to buy guns than it actually is. Then this happened and they found out exactly how easy it is, so it was Christmas in July!

I googled her name too. The only reason I would have gone to this movie was to see how fake-boob technology has advanced in the years since the first. Now I've saved myself 10 bucks or so.

I googled her name too. The only reason I would have gone to this movie was to see how fake-boob technology has advanced in the years since the first. Now I've saved myself 10 bucks or so.

Here's the deal. Before LOTR, Peter Jackson made a small number of feature films that no one would remember if the director had not gone on to make LOTR. Since LOTR, he has made two feature films: King Kong, which was excellent though reviled, and The Lovely Bones, which no one saw except a small number of people that

This comment does not rhyme. Flagged.

This comment does not rhyme. Flagged.

What is "ballless cock rock". Asking for a friend.

Massacres are not an indication of how fucked-up American society is. Gun massacres happen all over the place, including some of the best societies with the strongest social capital in the world. There have been recent examples in Canada, Germany, Norway, etc.

Massacres are not an indication of how fucked-up American society is. Gun massacres happen all over the place, including some of the best societies with the strongest social capital in the world. There have been recent examples in Canada, Germany, Norway, etc.

I hate-watch it. I think it's the only show that I've ever hate-watched. Clearly others here hate-watch it too. What's the deal with that?

I hate-watch it. I think it's the only show that I've ever hate-watched. Clearly others here hate-watch it too. What's the deal with that?



Thank you.

Thank you.