The sentient autonomous penis

I've really got to re-watch Con Air again. I watched it when it came out and had no idea that it was supposed to be so-bad-it's-good. I thought it went right through that territory and out the other side into too-bad-to-be-even-so-bad-it's-good.

I don't know what everyone keeps talking about re Scott Pilgrim was no good. Scott Pilgrim was awesome.

I agree with these posts.

Everything sucks. Except Dawes, who only not suck ironically.

I flagged your comment out of spite.

Hence forth he shall be known as:

For the record, I am among those here who have never done that.

All Community references are streets ahead.

I enjoy it, but hate myself for it.

Where do you think the beef comes from, dumb ass.

I also take issue with her statement that "art-school kids are the worst human beings". I don't doubt they're irritating but "worst human beings" seems a bit over-the-top.

I can definitely confirm that he is not "the" plumber. I had a plumber at my place the other day and it wasn't him.

I've often wondered what their success rates are. Has anyone ever done this?

Fewer than 250,000 saw an extremely beautiful naked woman for no apparent reason. I like the direction this show is going in.

I also introduced my girlfriend to Parks and Recreation.

Great. Now I'm going to have vomit breath all afternoon.

You must be a very hungry person to have such a large fridge.

I've done all manner of things while high, including things that would resemble the pizza dance.

No. They just have too much clothes on.

He may have been referring to the dance itself rather than the two movies that were made about the dance.