Lou Larue

I guess I mostly agree with you there, St. God. The thing about Rassilon… I know all the old lore is up for grabs, but in the past he was portrayed as the kind of guy who seemed to not be in favor of immortality. The whole Five Doctors speech, where Hurndall goes on about how, "He knew that immortality was a curse,

"I don't want to go," I think was a fitting, last line, consistent with Tennant's Doctor's character, but yeah—it's not exactly inspiring. On the other hand, it was pretty powerful for a downer kind of line. This was a Doctor that spent a lot of time telling people how sorry he was that they got the short end of the

Not bad, exactly…
But. The whole thing worked alright, and yet it felt like all the gears didn't quite mesh. Russell T isn't known for writing the tightest plots ever, especially when you give him lots of time to fill. Still, he's got a knack for coming up with some great individual moments, like those in which John

Ahem. I think I meant *got*, there.

All the boys think he's a spy
He's god—Gilbert Gottfried eyes!

Those rare moments when we get to see an "undoctorish" Doctor can be pretty chilling.

Leave them all behind, Slowdive.

CamelCase: Scourge of the modern age.

A low budgets can definitely wreck a video, but not always. Bastards of Young by the Replacements was awesome. Also, that one Low video where that guy eats the hell out of some cake.

Yeah, it's called Old Boston, sort like how the real Boston is in New England. It's weird.

It'll never be as good as it was, Nabin
I thought tonight's show was alright. It had some of that character stuff that lots of people seem to want (it was nice to be reminded that even corporate titans like Jack were once teenagers who had crushes and shot BB guns at rats).

@FortyTwo: Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that "Which camera" thing—I thought I was hallucinating for a minute, there.

Same as Tony Montana, right?

Darn. I was hoping more for Juliana Hatfield post-Hey Babe.

I think this is the second time this season we got to see Jenna's turned-on face.

I'm surprised they went after Fox News for the "two gubernatorial victories = the end of the Obama administration" joke. After all, they were saying pretty much the same thing (in slightly more muted tones) during the election coverage on CNN.

Shut it down
All right, I give up. I no longer have the energy to defend the show. I'll just ride out the rest of the season on the off chance that it'll knock my socks off again.

I agree that the timing seems off (as mentioned by a few commenters now). But something kind of feels weird about how the actors are delivering the dialog: some lines came out so slowly and carefully e-nun-cia-ted, it kind of threw me.

Not necessarily related to the direction, but on my local cable system they run the show in full-screen. I end of losing about a fifth of the picture, and every scene features half of somebody's face.

I don't know if JD wrote his own material here, but I thought it suffered a bit from the fact that they can't really swear on network TV. As it was, the insults were all a little too cute.