
Does Lisa Loeb owe the IRS anything?

This would have been better if the room had been wallpapered in aluminum foil.

I do love that movie. The last thing I remember from watching The Simpsons is where they parodied it with Homer and a hot-air balloon.


Between Goodfellas and Zodiac, I now tend to associate the music of Donovan with violent murder.

Liked mainly for a positive mention of The Night Porter.

He even used the word "misandric". I thought I was on Reddit for a split-second.

Would you say that to J. Hoberman?

I hear it's an awesome ballpark! Fuck all the Over The Mountain racists.

Dammit, somebody always has a cooler story.

Maybe he can make that Painkillers script, since his dad can't be bothered. And speaking of Lynch, he has other kids, right? Somebody give one of them to make a movie with weird sound effects and red curtains since Lynch Sr. is too busy making novelty records.

Didn't Spike Lee talk about making a Jackie Robinson biopic for years? If he'd done it, it might have been at least interesting.

To me, Malick is a bit like Mike Patton. No, wait, hear me out. I can understand why people might not like it as much as I do, but then people have to go and take it as seemingly a personal affront, which makes even less sense because people should know by now what they're getting.

We're talking about how much Reddit sucks. C'mon everybody, join in on the fun!

Yes, it does!

As I am contractually obligated to point out every time someone starts southern bashing, the north still has New Jersey. They've lost all rights to lecture.

It's occurred to me that things would get a lot worse for them before it would get better. Assuming a highly successful toy drive, you'll have this can full of toys, so for the toys they'd be stacked on top of each other, a huge pile of bodies, with no room to move, kinda like the Star Trek episode where they build

Is that book still available?

Ah, no, I forgot about that one. Thanks!