
Ya better bring it!

I'm looking forward to this so I hope you are right, but please don't say amazeballs ever again.

Run-down urban sprawl? I'm there!

Yeah, I mean, this sounds pretty interesting, but a voice in the back of my head tells me I'd be better off just watching The Shining again. Then it tells me to do other things, but I'm not allowed to say what those are.

Are they still doing the Undertaker's streak?

Rabin gets more shit than any other writer on the site combined, and he just ignores it. He's just like Ghandi. Or something.

Mark Lanegan and his glorious, 5 packs a day voice are truly national treasures.

This is why I could never get with all the hand wringing about 24 being some kind of Republican propaganda. Every "torture, fuck yeah!" moment was usually in service of a plot about some Republican avatar doing nefarious things.

To be fair, it was a 3rd world government led by Tony Todd.

So we're on to ripping off 24 plotlines now? As a certified apologist for that show, I feel…vindicated somehow?

It was probably referring to another version, maybe a bootleg or something. Which is annoying.

Katherine Webb in that swimsuit makes up for it some, right?

Didn't he nearly drown during the taping of this, requiring Ndamukong Suh to rescue him, or was that some other celebrity diving show?

Leave Mike Watt out of this, please.

Mennonite is pretty good, so is their last one, Venerable.

I might watch if they used the Judas Priest song as their opening theme.

I've long had Selena Gomez in the "Looks perpetually 12" category along with the Olsen twins and Emma Watson, but then I saw the promo pictures for this. I'm confused and frightened.

"After a terrifically strange and suspenseful opening, the pace slackens,
with the memorable setpieces scattered about haphazardly."

Better 30 than 15, I guess.

I guess The Hunger doesn't count? It's not exactly a cameo but he's not in it very much.