
By-Tor & The Snow Dog rules, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Completely off topic, but are there any of the old writers left around here? Because I don't know these people and I'm confused and frightened.

All pretentious means anymore is "something I don't like." It's kinda like calling someone a "sellout." 

Wow, that perfectly sums up everything that is wrong with James Franco. Bravo, Sir or Madam.

Yeah, I'll see whatever he does now after Kill List, bad reviews be damned,

I'm glad to see  S. Epatha Merkerson getting work, at least.

Romeo+Juliet fucking sucks.

Compared to the rest of the state, sure.

Huh, A Birmingham show, who'da thunk it. Too bad it's not My Bloody Valentine, then I might care.

This movie is associated in my mind with Holy Motors, for some reason. I feel like they should have come out together. I hate waiting for cool sounding film festival titles to finally hit stateside.


Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about a girl who
digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song. It's a metaphor for big

Do you think Kevin Bacon is more or less ashamed of being in this than in Friday the 13th?

I've only heard one song, but your review seems to indicate what that song suggested, that Coliseum are turning more and more into Breather Resist. Not really sure how I feel about that, at this point.

I'm boycotting this until they let Mike Watt be in the band photos.

Really. Plus, it's Kurosawa, I'm pretty sure everything he's done is firmly enshrined in the world cinema canons by now.

Does the new guy not get a "STAFF" box?

This movie sounds pretty cool, but I don't know if I want to willingly contribute to the success of a man named Kentucker.

@avclub-45d15693cb729fefc030a41d117da9c1:disqus No. Don't do that. Don't do that at all.