
My favorite is still the '78 version actually, if only for the non-copout ending. But Sinister Leonard Nimoy and Angry Jeff Goldblum are hard to beat either.

My favorite is still the '78 version actually, if only for the non-copout ending. But Sinister Leonard Nimoy and Angry Jeff Goldblum are hard to beat either.

Those are good burgers, Walter.

Those are good burgers, Walter.

Were you listening to The Dude's story?

Were you listening to The Dude's story?

I'm of two minds on this. The original is great, and while I don't think Miike could top it, the story seems like the type of thing he does well. On the other hand, it doesn't really sound like he's brought anything new to the table, except for 3-D disembowelment. But, I'll probably still enjoy it, as long as he keeps

I'm of two minds on this. The original is great, and while I don't think Miike could top it, the story seems like the type of thing he does well. On the other hand, it doesn't really sound like he's brought anything new to the table, except for 3-D disembowelment. But, I'll probably still enjoy it, as long as he keeps

It seems to me that as bad as a name as it is, it's made even worse by the extraneous Out. Shout Out Out Out is still a terrible name for a band but adding that extra out just feels forced.

It seems to me that as bad as a name as it is, it's made even worse by the extraneous Out. Shout Out Out Out is still a terrible name for a band but adding that extra out just feels forced.

Too high or too low?

Too high or too low?



Shut the fuck up, sconn.

Shut the fuck up, sconn.

It's still amazing to me that Loria basically did to the Expos exactly what the villian team owner in Major League did and not only got away with it, but was given another team to do it to again. Only this time he actually got a stadium so now he's stuck with them.

It's still amazing to me that Loria basically did to the Expos exactly what the villian team owner in Major League did and not only got away with it, but was given another team to do it to again. Only this time he actually got a stadium so now he's stuck with them.

Someone had to say it.

Someone had to say it.