
Looks like I found my new avatar just in time!

Looks like I found my new avatar just in time!

Bad Company is a movie that needs to be better known. Right up there with McCabe & Mrs. Miller in it's depiction of a dark and dirty west, and probably a big influence on There Will Be Blood and Meek's Cutoff.

Bad Company is a movie that needs to be better known. Right up there with McCabe & Mrs. Miller in it's depiction of a dark and dirty west, and probably a big influence on There Will Be Blood and Meek's Cutoff.

I mean, they don't really need an excuse to plug Patton Oswalt at this point, do they?

I mean, they don't really need an excuse to plug Patton Oswalt at this point, do they?

@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus would it have mattered? Everyone knew George C. Scott didn't give a shit and they gave him one anyway.

@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus would it have mattered? Everyone knew George C. Scott didn't give a shit and they gave him one anyway.

What's a good Johnnie To film to start with? I have Vengeance in my Netflix queue but I gathered it wasn't considered his best.

What's a good Johnnie To film to start with? I have Vengeance in my Netflix queue but I gathered it wasn't considered his best.

So, by new series, you mean thing you get Patton Oswalt to do for you once, never to be mentioned again, like that time he showed up at someone's house to read his book?

So, by new series, you mean thing you get Patton Oswalt to do for you once, never to be mentioned again, like that time he showed up at someone's house to read his book?

I don't approve of them having the same name as the band from North Carolina. I really wish bands would do research before picking a name (I'm looking in your direction, Ghost.)

I don't approve of them having the same name as the band from North Carolina. I really wish bands would do research before picking a name (I'm looking in your direction, Ghost.)

Shut the fuck up, sconn.

Shut the fuck up, sconn.

Different Miller, bro.

Different Miller, bro.

It ain't a sequel no more!

It ain't a sequel no more!