The Most Popular Commenter

Thanks for the books, Elmore.

You can't have Rageh, you American swine-pigs.

The thing I seem to remember most about Top Boy was the C4 continuity guy saying something like "Who lives, who dies? The final Top Boy is next."

He's a nerd just like me.


But Vin Diesel already killed all the criminals in Rio in Fast Five. Stopped being such a wuss, Woody.

From now on, we should call her "Meakin".

Who will save the gays if ARTPOP fails?

Is this the fad that will actually kill an actor or actress when they either drown or the surgery to give her fish legs goes wrong.

He could get his dad Jack Baauer to do something about it.

As The Most Popular Commenter, all the money goes to me. I'll distribute it all next week, maybe.

It sounds too much like "Zoot Suit".

We got a Dissolve staffer over here. Let's all lynch @avclub-4890b244b694eb077186da46702d0111:disqus .

Is this the new Michael J. Fox sitcom?

It's not ten to five in England. This is what I do on Friday nights.


Do bros shotgun beers because they want to cut their tongues in two which means they never have to go down on women ever again?

Aw man, I already used up my John Landis joke on another Newswire. :(


At the end of the episode the keg accuses said frat bro of rape.