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Oh hey, incredibly homophobic lyrics. That's OK.
The singer is a judge on The Voice UK.
The title refers to one of Tony Blair's election soundbites from 1997, with "& War" added as a topical dig at the Second Iraq War.
Why does everyone look like Gerard Depardieu in this movie?
Maybe there could have been a split screen where she gets facialed and at the same time her dad gets hit in the face with burning wreckage,
What even is a Back In The Game?
This is soes I can vote on Commies.
But the original had the demon synthesizer.
I associate this song with the three saddest deaths of all time: The sidekick from Gears of War, all the people on that plane who died to save us from Gyllenhall and the mustache guy from The Darkness. :(
I hope his dad is in it even though he is the worst actor in the world.
The names Kathryn Hann and Racial Harris are too confusing when separated by just a comma
Behold the wrath of Schneider
Thanks, documentaries.
How come they had magic in the past but not now?
Now Gal Gadot is tight with all the Greek Gods she can get Hades to hook Paul up with a sweet ghost pad.
Lea Seydoux is sexy but she looks like she wants to cut me.
It should have been the scientist lady from Sharktopus.