
I saw it more as conversational/a result of Regina asking Daphne what she'd been up to. In fact, it seemed like Regina had to inquire, which struck me as terribly rude on Kathryn's part - wouldn't she want reassurance on how her daughter was being taken in her absence?

That bit from "The Hard Easy" where Jake returns perfectly fine from
being burned by lightening seconds after walking off screen, has
potential to work like this too. Especially since Finn actually notices.

I think Benson was just a master at Pinball and Stick Hockey. A real stick twiddler, if you will.

On the other hand,  in "Memory of a Memory", little Marceline is alone, her Hambo doll is pretty abused and she says that it's her only friend. I sort of figured Simon was long gone by then.

"For a guy who was mostly absent this season save for some dramatic plot
twists, I really thought Angelo pulled through like a boss. Loved that
scene between him and the grandma. You can tell she almost wanted to
clear up the beef between them but she wasn't really ready to let go of
the past quite yet. They really

No worries @avclub-06a83d4571b9a1476121224c309714ce:disqus. Just being upfront about my own bias, haha.

The part of next week's preview I've chosen to fixate on: Nikki and Toby. Will they elope if they don't get Kennish approval? And just so Emmett's involved, what will that do to the band?

I root for both girls (well, Bay used to rub me the wrong way until this last half season) but I guess I'd say Daphne was my favorite? But I tend to agree, there is something shallower about her relationship with various members of the Kennish family. It's friendlier, but not as solid. As much as Angelo and Bay fight,

I saw them too. I recall people complaining elsewhere that the show was doing too much product placement for the school with the banners and name-dropping before. I think the complaint was there wasn't enough focus on other colleges that serve the deaf community? I wonder if they're flipping their lids now, between

Totally agree. And I was weirdly happy when John wanted both of his girls out of there. I get gushy about the family stuff, I guess.

Oh, and with the whole "Let's rehearse our kiss" thing, did Noah come off as kind of skeevy to anyone else? I hope he ends up with neither girl. But heh, I've said it before, not a fan of love triangles. Or I guess a square, if you throw in Emmett.

I loved Bay's sentiment in the final scene, that she and Daphne are family. I'm pretty annoyed the love triangle will probably wreck that for a while. On the other hand, I understood why Daphne didn't stand up then, and I can't blame her.

It would certainly give the boy something to do. I wonder how that would fit with his whole "No college for me" mini-plot? I don't see him as the type to get super into it but maybe he'll do missionary stuff with his time?

I interpreted it as her feeling rejected by both Daphne and a community she believed she was helping and welcome in.

Bleh, you are correct. Noah is indeed who I meant. A Bay/Travis/Daphne triangle would be so very weird at this point.

I love Melody. I don't see her as close-minded so much as well acquainted with certain realities. Especially this season, I can understand her being on the defensive sometimes.

Well, he and Kathryn have mentioned education reform more generally in their list of issues they're interested in. And after all that "raising money for Buckner" stuff early in the first season, I have been expecting a Kennish-led fund-raising drive for Carlton, and this is similar enough to be satisfying either way.

I really hope they don't go down the Bay/Travis/Daphne triangle road. Looking at the previews it seems possible they won't, and I'll trust the show to do it well if they do but…

I know when I got to the end of the list and didn't see it, I thought that it  (the list) would start over.