romanes eunt domus

The costumes in the 5th element were designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, which explains all the sailor uniforms. The guy is obsessed with sailors.

Right there with you. The typos plus the "since the beginning of time people" intro almost made me get my red pen. Now I feel terrible.

The monster will be made out of the corpses of every character Sean Bean has played. Except Sharpe, of course, because he is apparently invulnerable.

The jester and the fool were supposed to talk, though, and without restraints. They showed the truth. It might be the fact that clowns are silent that makes them so creepy. They're like the anti-fools. They do not seem to have a social function or anything.

Ooops, totally forgot about that one. Same question with him, then.

I've always wondered if the phobia of clowns came from It or if the book took something that already existed. When do scary clowns appear in pop culture ?

It's obviously an ancient cult of sparkly vaguely threatening european vampires, the Eruditi.

Really ? That's great news, thanks !

Read Omega Men ! (even though it's been cancelled and will end soon which pisses me off to no end… And if you do start with the free "preview" they put out before #1, it makes the story much easier to understand).

Don't challenge them !

The header image is obviously Bunk and McNulty.

What is this ? A spaceship for ANTS ?!

It's so annoying when writers suddenly decide a character close to the hero was in fact a villain in disguise. SPOILERS I was similarly annoyed by the same thing happening to John Stewart. Cheesy as it was, I liked Tomasi's run in Green Lantern Corps, and Stewart and Fatality getting together at the end was king of

Well they finally realized the space guns aren't hitting anyone, so they had to go back to slingshots.

A few duds at the beginning. The end of the season is pretty good, though.

The only guy in our neighbourhood who made any money was that guy who had a ring that could turn him invisible. He abandoned all moral sense once he got it.

Two things ?

Grayson annual. It was nice, but last week's issue was so good that it didn't help this one. Not a comic, but I started reading Tom King's novel A once crowded sky and I'm loving it so far. It has the same mix of fun and melancholy and reflexive one can find in Omega men and Grayson.

That was maybe one of the most violent things I ever saw on screen. Violence in all its ugly reality, utterly un-glamourized (despite the nude aspect)

That last sentence sounds like a pitch for a movie.