Just Throwing That Out There


I know whenever I document something musically interesting, I take the chance to talk over it in great detail so others get the idea.

350 dollars? Woo Hoo! Now I can buy 70 transcripts of "Nightline"!

*sigh* All right, I'll take it.

No me gusta!

"Sanders denies rich people clothing to support the downfall of the female-centric Catholic Church."

If only a crazy man with a chalkboard was here to diagram the truth for us.

Best description I heard recently was "ambulatory mugshot."

🎵 So the very next day we loaded up the car with potato skins, pickled wieners, crossword puzzles, Spider-Man comics and Mama's homemade rhubarb pie. 🎵

Once I learned that powerful officials who use the tools of war to plunder weak nations, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and their resources stolen were exactly the same as celebrities who said maybe we shouldn't do that, it all made sense to me!

Plus, you would have thousands of protestors ready to not piss on him.

Aw, man, I thought this was gonna be about the mashup with Sami Zayn's entrance music.

Didn't Tammy actually win, but the school refused to count the votes for her?

Kurt Cobain would've bludgeoned him with nearest blunt object.

There's nothing wrong with you. You have different tastes. And the people who are fans of this album have been listening to it for a long time and thus it's woven into their lives in a way that one listen will never do justice to. Continue liking what you like.

Music reviews written as confirmation bias? Sounds about right, but also pretty pointless. EDIT: As well as missing the point entirely of a review.

Oh it's a fine line to walk emotionally. I'd never want to piss in anyone's Cheerios for enjoying a given album or whatever, and I totally get why people go nuts for good music. It's just that music hype is like a social form of clickbaity garbage headlines. It's just overwhelming.

It's been forever since I've gone to pitchfork, but dear god, how is a passage like that supposed to get me interested in a band?

Agreed on your final point about hype. I've always been allergic to it myself. Declaring something the greatest thing ever in the most overblown ways possible never gets me interested in that something. If anything, it makes me turn away from the band being hyped and toward a decent radio station where I can find…

Jesus Christ, enough of this asshole already.