Just Throwing That Out There

How does the chronology of these tests even work? I mean, 86% European? I feel like I'm missing something here, cause one could easily argue we're all 100% African.

Also, the family of Johnny Cash put out an eloquent statement that their late patriarch's image belongs to no one in the Charlottesville crowd. (Apparently some were spotted wearing Cash tshirts.) He was/is a man of and for the people and was deeply opposed to such hatred.



For a movie that's practically nonstop action, it sure is boring.

This guy seems like the real-life version of an internet commenter/poster who interjects his super-intense political thoughts into entirely unrelated threads, gets indignant at people for rejecting him, and then begins accusing them of being cowards who are avoiding an honest, rational discussion of an important

Swooning at duck monogamy, of course.

Shoulda just used some bread.

Imagine if this dude simply worked retail and taped this screed next to the punch clock or on the break room microwave. He'd be considered a huge weirdo by everyone working. (Which he genuinely may be already.) He would definitely not be working there long, either.

Yeah but it's really cute when you see a male and female mallard couple. It's like they're dating! <3 <3 <3

Hell, she was more in danger at that very moment than she ever will by any foreign radicals.

Hey now, at least some of that money goes to blowing shit up overseas where brown people live.

Among the victims were dignity, integrity, self-awareness, and 23 primary school children.

Just like Felicity Jones and Forest Whitaker in Rogue One!

Yes! (To the second one.) I had actually forgotten nearly everything about that episode apart from some of its ending. All I recalled was near death interrupted by a random meta gag and celebrity appearance.

Sweet Jesus I hope not. Who on earth would be nostalgic for a parachuting Kool-Aid Man or an anthropomorphic Spaghettio playing soccer?

Does the episode that nearly ended with the Simpsons family falling into lava or something count as a run-in/match thrown out?

This episode was also broadcast right in the middle of relentless corporate EXTREME marketing/pandering when every youth-focused company had a mascot with 'tude and a skateboard or snowboard or guitar and holy shit was it annoying as hell.


He's right! We're SO lame!