Just Throwing That Out There

I actually bristled at the new Wampa scene as it showed way too much. The original version always horrified me as child because the monster was largely unseen. Those far off roars coming closer along with only a few glimpses of its fur really sold the danger Luke would have felt.

It's clear the community IS the main draw for so many people here.

I guess that's more what I'm thinking. Not dead as in "gone entirely", but dead as in "just an old shriveled husk of what once was."

This is gonna be the death of the AV Club, isn't it?

Oh, I don't even know who he would send that info to. It caught my eye though. Honestly I've binged the entire series in the past few weeks and that moment felt like earlier seasons when moments of levity were either fleeting or outright nonexistent. It would certainly be a bombshell if someone showed up out of

Forgive me if it's been mentioned already, but upon rewatch I noticed that Littlefinger was standing right next to a raven cage as he saw the three Stark children reunited. Got a feeling someone's gonna find out about that real quick…

Loved the shiteating grin Arya wore during that entire sequence.

Rhett has a daughter who loves to play Magic The Gathering.

Every time Moochie is on or off screen, everyone should ask, "Where's Moochie's wife?"

Please cite non-sexist reasons you don't like this move.

Eh, it was a poorly stated gag about how are shoulders are equipped for swinging that came from our time in the trees. We did pretty well there since fragile bodies haven't been weeded out.

Fish don't have radial locomotion.

Even weirder considering we evolved to swing around in trees.

As you could probably tell, I haven't wasted my time on girl things.

Silly. It actually looks like Queen Amidala's J-type 327 Nubian royal starship.

It's such a simple idea: give players the ability to climb mountains, then put bugfuck awesome things atop mountains for players to find.

The first divine beast I made it to was Vah Naboris in the Gerudo Desert. The build up to the dungeon itself was just mind boggling to me. I'm riding a shield tied to a sand walrus following the tribe leader who's wearing this golden helmet that protects us both from the electrical shocks of a giant mechanical camel,

I always hope that cynical voice is wrong.

Bingo. This is good catharsis and little else. Not that I object to this being put out there at all because we need it, but it's gonna take something really horrible to bring these guys down. Remember, it wasn't talk shows that did Bush in, it was Katrina, aka the president shrugging at an American city being

Let me tell you about a funny group of guys. They all had wild ideas about life and liberty and happiness and the common welfare. People thought they were crazy at the time. And those guys were….