Just Throwing That Out There

Yeah, the comments are all about a few other films, but this is my top pick and it's not close. It's just SO fucking bonkers and never cheats its way out the world it creates.

He got out his parents' basement by inheriting the house after they died.

No worries. I'm no aficionado, but I know horror is a legitimate genre that can tap some deep arteries for its artistic substance. I wanna see more like this one, for sure.

That's what I was getting at. The criticism that the film lacks "scares" (plural) appears to be seeking a very specific type of scare that the movie wasn't going to provide. Meanwhile, due to fear's universal but diverse nature (as you elucidated), a whole lot of other people connected with it and had the bejabbers

I felt that it was going for a sustained sense of dread that, yes, you may eventually have to watch a mother brutally murder her young son. Did I jump a whole lot? Not really. But my fingernails were sunk into the armrest the entire time.

Has there ever been a celebrity on Sesame Street that didn't look like they were having the time of their life?

The Foo Fighters tour van crashed through a barricade and off a cliff, killing all four members. Authorities reacted in horror as they discovered the remains of three musicians and one drummer.

Oh, for sure, there have long been vocal crowds rightfully crapping on poor performances. But the Rumble crowd was booing the entire main event scene, and arguably the entire direction of the promotion. An arena full of fans wanted fresh blood to win the Rumble, not "conquering hero" Batista.

I challenge any dejected fandom—HIMYM, Dexter, Lost, etc—to match the level of rebellion WWE fans rose to earlier this year to reject the status quo and propel Daniel Bryan to the main event of Wrestlemania. Wanna see an audience absolutely destroy a bad show in real-time? Watch the "main event" of this year's Royal

My point? Your point is demonstrably wrong.

Almost 40,000 people a year kill themselves in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In my opinion, that is 40,000 people who blew it.

Fair enough about his history. I've never been a big enough fan to follow his life that closely. And i personally have no problem with anyone who chooses his own end instead of decades of suffering. But that's not the case here; his wife's statement mentioned his severe depression. We'll never know what exactly what

Conversely, it also shows how much a person can offer to the world *despite* those ailments. How many would-be contributions have been lost forever thanks to the stigmatization of depression?

I'm in the same boat here as everyone. Depression and mental illness run in my family. My mother and maternal grandmother suffered from depression. Two of my aunts were paranoid schizophrenic, countless cousins have depression as well, and some of their new children are showing signs of extreme anxiety.

I believe it involves one Noel Bitchass Murphy.

Despite all the misinformation and willful ignorance in politics I can still understand heightened passions as a worthwhile function of citizenship.

This article is nothing but speculation. I don't see why everyone is losing their shit over it.

*has one arm, waves from tree*

After which she politely cleaned the carpet of their entrails to return it to its original spotless condition.

My grandma died a month away from 96 a couple of years ago and was the toughest person I've ever met. When she was 89, she fell over the dog while cleaning the curtains and broke her hip. To get help, she *dragged herself* to the staircase—about 20 feet away—to call up to my dad who had been napping.