Just Throwing That Out There

Season 4 was, for me, when it really ramped up its focus on plot at the expense of its characters. And the few character beats there were didn't register with me at all. Edgar and his mom? Shrug. The new CTU head (forgot her name) and her disturbed daughter? Didn't care. Jack was fired from CTU and then back at it an

That Offerman scene… Jack is literally trying to negotiate with an Arab-hating trucker-hat wearing redneck who doesn't think that Euros are money and has no earthly idea that his decisions could send America into a pointless war against three innocent Middle Eastern countries. And it's the cliffhanger for next week.

And THEN he can't even do it himself. Wow.

Sutherland is great in that scene. Just when Saunders relents, Bauer makes an ever-so-subtle face that says, "Thank god I didn't actually have to kill this girl."

It also had, very briefly, tiny Michelle Dessler legit out-badassing Jack Bauer.

Agreed. There was far less believable drama (or at least to the extent a show like 24 can have) and more cartoonishness.

Yeah, the last scene of S3 was really the closing of the first phase of the show. S4 rebooted completely with (mostly) new characters and no tentpole terrorist threat.

As I recall, in those last moments Chappelle revealed himself to be pretty pathetic: no friends, barely any family, all he has is his job. No wonder he's such an asshole. The scene was such a gut punch.

oops, wrong thread

Sort of like the Duggar family.

Can't remember where I saw it, but there was a quote about the sequels along the lines of, "In the first movie Jack Sparrow is a badass masquerading as a fool. In every other movie, he's a fool trying and failing to convince people he's a badass."

Hey! I was at that show too! Kris Novoselic made fun of the city ("Good crowd. Must be something in the water."), the band talked about a mexican restaurant and the hospitality of its owner Gus, and Cobain actually ended the show be pulling his hair over his face, sticking his thumbs in his ears, and waving his palms

…said by someone who obligingly fired off that Card's comments were stupid and ignorant while otherwise burying the thread in "the other side does it, too" arguments.

Kevin McDonald as Clark Kent.

And as soon as Supes skipped town, she fucks Cyclops so quickly afterward that the son's lineage is in doubt.

And as soon as Supes skipped town, she fucks Cyclops so quickly afterward that the son's lineage is in doubt.

Beep beep, Honk honk. Whirrrrrrr. Hahaha! Where was I? Oh yeah. Stay out of my booze.

Agreed about the MAM. I've been to a few museums in Chicago and Minneapolis and didn't get the same feeling of contemplation I get here at home. Especially regarding the contemporary exhibits. MAM has a lot of dynamic, interesting pieces going on in that back corner, whereas in other museums all the have is the

Lifelong Milwaukeean here. (Yes, I have left the county. Once or twice.)

The coolest part about the Samsung Galaxy S III is that it is easily smuggled into maximum security prisons.