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    I've always wondered who the girl was in Cinderella's "Nobody's Fool" video, because she looked just liked this girl I was in middle school with at the time and when I told my brother this in passing, he got all typically pissed off and accused me of lying or just being stupid in general because the girl in the video

    Heh. Poots.

    I'm seeing a lot of likes…

    Sure, why not?


    He fixes the cable?

    *four years pass
    "I've finally decided on a title for this chapter."
    "But your chapter titles are just the names of existing characters!"
    "Now, now, don't be hasty."

    As far as I can tell, the showrunners have little interest in the books. By season 7 the show's going to be about the sassy barmaid of a medieval inn.

    Seconding, thirding, fourthing this. A thousand times over.

    I only just started using it too, and wow.

    I Got Lost - Dinosaur Jr.
    Recollections of 31st and 6th - Errortype: 11
    We Rock - Dio
    Cain - Alice Donut
    The Freed Pig - Sebadoh

    That dirty bird.

    Busy drinking.

    As I understand it, they're nutjobs, but they're not nutjob nutjobs.

    As long as we're clear.

    “because of the current state of CG technology, live-action movies featuring a soaring pachyderm (or any animal for that matter) are viable”


    Because usually there's more to a person's life than preaching?


    God loves anal.