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    Sean "Snarknado" O'Neal

    Also, lol.

    You sick fuck, my mom's dead.

    Pretty sure sharks are fish and fish are animals.

    Those Crüe bites kan be pretti nasti…

    No I want to be paid in cash. Or hookers.

    I was hoping Cinderella would start up a team in Philly, but then I realized that The Glass Slippers was a terrible name for a football team.

    Jessica Tandy is the hottie from Cocoon.

    She's the one with the great ass.

    Are you suggesting that you might poise some disparaging comment right beneath my own, and then thrust savagely at the post button and wedge it into the thread without even warning me first?


    Jamie's remark IS impressive. Most impressive.

    lol coconut this movie sounds great!

    "an off-putting, solipsistic air" describes every Woody Allen movie since 1990.

    Don't you mean Buck Naked?

    I thought it was the Raiders of the Lost Ark remake.

    Cautionary tale?

    Got one for Sophia Bush. Who the fuck?

    He got one of those love bugs.

    This just in, Mick Jagger killed in avalanche.