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    That's the mane reason I intend to get myself a copy.

    I don't think that was really the point.

    True story

    *raises glass*

    Circle Clerks

    Look, I'm sure we can hash this out like civilized people.

    Did you ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit going on there. And it's green, too.

    Well, it's a good thing weed is a great anti-nauseant.

    "I'd just assume smoke weed with a wookiee!"

    Now with more clots!

    This is the best Newswire ever.

    Hat trick!

    Wouldn't that be the Martell Cabernet?

    Well let me tell you, it was much better than Cats.

    No hippocras? Get fucked.

    Have you ever seen The Amazing Alexander?

    I expect that this cat will, in fact, be rastafied by 10%.

    Counterpoint: Elves are magic and LOTR is fiction

    Lots of werewolves on that list.

    Add guns.